The application of rotomolding process is bound to become the mainstream
date::2016-07-27 author: click:
With the continuous development of rotomolding molding technology, the types of rotomoulding products have been continuously increasing and the scope of application has been continuously expanding. At present, the industries involved in rotomolding products at home and abroad include transportation, traffic safety facilities, entertainment industry, river channel dredging, and construction industry. , water treatment, medical food, electronics, chemical industry, aquaculture, textile printing and dyeing, etc. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 400 sets of rotomoulding units in China that mainly produce trash cans, oil tanks, water treatment containers, small cruise ships, sporting goods, and road signs. From the perspective of products, rotational molding products have evolved from common household products to key industrial products, and their functions have also changed from single container performance to structural performance. Now the rotomoulding process can even complete the products that can not be completed by the processes of injection molding, blow molding, and extruding. The geometrical dimensions of the products can be fully achieved from 0.5L to 50L. If you are not limited by the conditions of transportation, you can even do more. With the needs of the function, it can also be molded into closed type containers to meet the needs of different industries.
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